Ananya Panday’s cousin and social media influencer Alanna Panday is expecting her first child with husband Ivor McCrae. The couple threw a dreamy baby shower last week. Well, just recently, she shared a video on her own YouTube channel. The video, which lasts about 20 minutes, is titled “I Saw Her Family Get Pregnant for the First Time.” The video details how Alana’s cousin Ananya Panday, her brother Ahaan Panday, and the rest of her family reacted to Alana’s baby belly for the first time.
Ananya Panday’s horrified reaction to Alana Panday’s baby bump
Some time ago on March 31st, Alana Panday posted a video on her YouTube channel showing that she came to India last week specifically for the announcement of Amazon Prime Video’s upcoming show ‘The Tribe’ and for a baby shower. did. The video, which starts at 16 minutes and 11 seconds, shows Alana arriving at her home at 3:30 a.m. and being greeted by a beautifully decorated room decorated with helium balloons that say “It’s a boy.” It’s reflected. Alana was surprised by the surprise and FaceTimed her husband Ivor. Ivar was also surprised by the cute reception.
Adding to this, the overjoyed aunt, who was expecting a girl, was clearly surprised to learn it was a boy. The Dreamgirls 2 actress couldn’t stop gushing as she caressed Alana’s baby bump, and during their conversation she quipped: “I just want it out.” Alana further shared that she was scared and worried that she would slip while she was walking.
Watch the full video here:
Ahaan Panday says Balika Vadhu fans will be happy to meet Alana Panday
In addition to this, Alana’s brother Ahaan Pandey missed the balloon announcing the baby’s gender. The expectant mother then notices that he is a boy and asks him to look around her. The ecstatic brother says: “You look so young, Alana.” “You look 16 years old. All the Balika Vadhu fans will love this look,” Alana said, splitting.
He added: “Oh, mam… I’m a little fat now, but I plan to lose a lot of weight in the future. I’m planning on getting an 8 pack. See you in the future.” He also said, “I can’t believe I’m going to be a mama.” He expressed his happiness. In a hilarious candid moment, he went on to say he was expecting a girl, whom he named Ahani, which caused Alana to burst out laughing.
Alana is the daughter of Chunky’s brother Chikki Panday and his wife Dhyan Panday.
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