David Alhamia, leader of the ruling Servant of the People party, said the number of casualties in Ukraine from the ongoing Russian invasion is “much lower than the 100,000 figure that many believe Ukraine has surpassed.” ” he said.
“When you go out and ask people about their losses, you never hear anything less than 100,000. [But] Our losses are much less,” Alakamua was quoted as saying during a panel discussion. lb.U.A.
He said he had proposed declassifying the number to President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to reassure the public, but the president had not yet made a decision.
“If they realize Ukraine’s real losses in the war, they will realize that it is not as great as they themselves imagine,” Alakamoa said.
Nearly two years after the invasion began, some Ukrainians remained skeptical about joining the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).
Discussion of a new wave of mobilization has sparked much debate in and outside of Congress in recent days, with new legislation aimed at mobilizing as many as 500,000 soldiers to replace troops being renewed several times in recent weeks. It has also been repeatedly rejected and amended.
Many politicians, including Arakamua, believe in further mobilization, but believe the original bill submitted by the military is problematic, with Arakamua criticizing some of the “direct” provisions. There is. [violating] While some are about “human rights,” some are “not optimally formulated.”
He said mobilization should be carried out diligently and authorities should consider a person’s skills, education and role in civilian life.
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Zelenskiy proposes military training for Ukrainian parliamentarians
Alakamua believes that MPs and civil servants should also train part-time for military service along with other citizens. He also said Ukrainians should be better informed about how the mobilization works.
“People want the state to take care of them properly,” he says.
He suggested that members of Congress participate in part-time military training.
Neither Russia nor Ukraine has released official death tolls for their troops during the ongoing invasion.
The Ukrainian military has so far refrained from disclosing Russia said of its combat losses: “Many conclusions can be drawn from this data and this information can be used for analysis and planning.”
A civil society report in November put the number at more than 30,000. new york times published an estimate in August that 70,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed in the war, citing unnamed US officials.
As of this writing, Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense Using photographs and footage from the battlefield, they estimated the number of Russian casualties at 380,600.