Air Chief Marshal Phunpakdee Pattanakul (ACM) of the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) called on Dr Ng Eng Heng, Minister of Defense, at the Ministry of Defense (MINDEF) this morning. During the meeting, Dr Ng and ACM Phunpakdee reaffirmed the commitment to strengthen the bilateral defense relationship between Singapore and Thailand.
ACM Punpakdee, who is in Singapore for his maiden visit from 19 to 21 December 2023, also called on Air Force Chief Major General (MG) Kelvin Kong after inspecting the MINDEF honor guard. . As part of the programme, ACM Punpakdee visited the Singapore Air Force (RSAF) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Headquarters at Murai Garrison this afternoon to receive a briefing and to see the Heron 1 UAV static display and exhibits. I inspected the. UAV simulator. ACM Punpakdee will also co-host the opening ceremony for Exercise Cope Tiger 2024 on Dec. 21 with MG Conn and Pacific Air Forces Commander Mobilization Assistant Maj. Gen. Eric C. Novak. Exercise Cope Tiger is a trilateral exercise conducted annually by the air forces of Thailand, Singapore, and the United States.
ACM Punpakdee’s visit underlines the long-standing close defense relationship between Singapore and Thailand. RSAF and RTAF interact regularly through high-level visits, professional exchanges, courses and exercises such as Exercise Corps Tiger. These exchanges deepen mutual understanding and strengthen the human ties between members of both air forces.