Title: Some users may experience multiple issues with Microsoft Teams
Impact on users: Users may experience multiple issues with Microsoft Teams.
Details: Impacted scenarios include, but are not limited to:
– Users performing a cold boot may not be able to log in to Teams and may see an “oops” page.
– If the user logs in or unlocks the device after some time, the message may not appear.
– Users may not be able to read messages in channels or chats
– Users cannot view or download media (images, video, audio, call recordings, code snippets).
– There may be delays in sending some messages
– Call recordings may take some time to appear in users’ OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online
– Bots may not be able to download attachments
– There may be a delay in sending and receiving receipt confirmation notifications.
Current status: Our monitoring systems have alerted us to an issue in Microsoft Teams that may cause users to experience a variety of impact scenarios, as outlined in the More Information section above. We have confirmed that some parts of the Microsoft Teams service are experiencing network issues. Failover in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region is complete and telemetry is showing improvement. We are continuing to fail over service traffic in all affected regions to remediate the impact.
Next update: Friday, January 26, 2024, 9:00 PM (UTC)