George Carlin’s family legacy is copyright infringement lawsuit Against Dudsey – a media company that created a brilliant parody comedy that uses generative AI to imitate the late star’s voice and hilarious demeanor for an hour. Dudsey gained attention for his April 2023 AI that imitated Tom Brady, which he threatened to sue, but was removed from Dudsey’s channel. The Carlin family’s lawsuit was filed in federal court. The complaint alleges that Ms. Carlin’s likeness and copyrighted material were used without her permission or the required permissions. The complaint says the presentation is “computer-generated clickbait that tarnishes Carlin’s reputation and undermines the value of his comedic work.” Additionally, the lawsuit calls for “the immediate removal and destruction of all counterfeit copies.”
The AI-generated special “I’m Glad I’m Dead,” posted on the Dudesy Podcast’s YouTube channel on January 9, stars George Carlin as himself. The show is still available to watch and has been viewed approximately 500,000 times. Days after the special aired, Will Sasso and Chad Krutgen, presenters of the Dudesy podcast included in the complaint, called AI the “next paintbrush” and “a new technology that will be used in every field.” He responded to the criticism by calling it a tool. An aspect of life. ”
Karlin’s daughter released a statement claiming that “…no machine will ever replace his genius,” but while that’s true, it won’t stop proponents of generative AI from trying again. right.
In October 2023, “counterfeit law” was a proposal by U.S. senators to introduce legislation that would prohibit performers from digitally reproducing their images or themselves without their permission. Generative AI appears to have all the capabilities to digitally duplicate almost anyone.
Some have commented that George Carlin himself promoted all the conventions of the time. If you don’t believe me, check out his 1972 show “His 7 Words You’ll Never Say on TV” (it’s on YouTube). It has been speculated that if Carlin were here today, he would be an intense genius and free thinker who himself would have used generative AI.
You can watch HBO specialGeorge Carlin’s American Dream, Carlin has appeared in 14 HBO comedy specials and 130 on The Tonight Show, where he impersonates many people.
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