Denmark has announced support of more than 12 million euros to develop the cyber resilience of the systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
sauce: Danish Ministry of Defense reported by Europe’s Pravda newspaper
detail: As part of the new Ramstein-style conference on January 23, Denmark and other members of the IT Union signed a cooperation agreement outlining each country’s contribution.
“Denmark offers 91 million Danish kroner [approx.€12.2 million – ed.] “It will contribute to priority cybersecurity projects within the IT Union and strengthen the overall cyber defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” the statement said, adding that cyberattacks have become a permanent part of Russia’s war against Ukraine. It pointed out.
Danish Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen said Denmark has provided support to improve the protection of critical IT infrastructure.
“It is logical to support Ukraine in areas where we are already active,” he said.
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